Thursday 29 March 2012

A new initiative: Wellwoods vs. Cancer

There comes a time in the life of every oddly-named women's street hockey team when it asks itself, "self, where do I go from here?"

Sure, we've had some fun over the years, looked at some cute animals on the internet, sold our shirt sleeves to bachelors, made a couple of Nike parodies featuring chihuahuas... standard stuff, really.  It feels like it's time to do something different.  Something more meaningful.

So we looked deep, deep within ourselves and asked "What Would Kyle Wellwood Do?"  Then after we got back from Marble Slab Creamery (heyo!) we heard about Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer.

It was perfect.  What do we love?  Road hockey.  What do we hate?  Cancer.  We've all been affected by it, some more directly than others, and any little bit we can do to help more people beat it is worthwhile.  So it's official: the Wellwoods will be playing a road hockey marathon this October to raise funds for cancer research. This task will present two challenges to us:

1) Playing 5 games in one day (I sometimes get winded walking up the escalator, let alone the stairs)

2) Raising $10,000, which is an entry requirement for the event.

We have a few ideas for how we'll raise the money.  Pub nights, car washes, rewarding milestones with fun videos, a Wellwoods calendar, getting people to pledge money for each Canucks playoff win, auctioning off our resident bachelor Ken Johnstone to the highest bidder... and we'll probably do at least some of those over the course of the next few months.  We'll sort out the details when the school year's over and I have time to think again.

That just leaves the final and (in my mind) most important aspect of our new goal: branding.  How can we make our fundraiser for cancer stand out from the plethora of other cancer fundraisers out there.  I puzzled over this for a while, but today I got my answer from a highly unlikely place: Stephen Harper and the Federal Government.  Get ready for it...

That's right.  The government is putting an end to pennies, and we want them.  We are no longer raising $10,000 for cancer research.  We are now raising ONE MILLION PENNIES!

I'll get a donation site up.  You guys start going through your couch cushions.  This summer we're raising a million pennies for a very good cause.  Because a penny saved is a penny not helping to cure cancer.

More info soon!


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