Saturday 17 September 2011

A Wellwood Abroad: Behind Enemy Lines

I'm back, and although I assume most of you have moved on to more frequently updated blogs, I promise to do better this time.  In my defence, I had a lot going on these past few months.  After working for the BC government for 3 years, I decided I'd had enough of civil service life.  I applied and was accepted into the best post-grad Advertising Copywriting program in Canada!  I quit my job and uprooted myself from my comfy happy place (aka Kitsilano, the proverbial "yoga pants" of Vancouver neighbourhoods), and moved all the way to the Big Smoke.  The Centre of the Universe.  Onterrible.  Leafs Nation.  I feel dirty just saying it.

I realize that our namesake Kyle Wellwood did at one point don the blue and white super stripey socks of the Maple Leafs, but that's not enough to convince me that I'm not behind enemy lines right now.  I'm in the trenches... in a dark and scary place where milk comes in bags (BAGS!), and house centipedes exist (Seriously.  One tried to climb my leg in the shower the other day.  I'm lucky to be alive).

But it hasn't been all bad, I guess.  Despite what everyone out West may tell you, the Torontonians I have met have all been really friendly.  Sure, everyone smokes cigarettes and nobody has an inside voice.  Sure, they'll honk at you for crossing at a crosswalk.  But they're really no different from you or I.  I think maybe these things are just a reaction to having the Leafs, Jays and Raptors as sporting entertainment.  Admit it... another Stanley Cup Finals loss would drive a lot of Vancouverites to new vices and bouts of erratic yelling.  These poor people haven't even seen their team make the playoffs for the better part of a decade-- of course they're a tad edgy! At heart, the Torontonians are just really proud of their city, regardless of the fact that they spend most of their time defending it from the verbal and written attacks of, well, everyone else.

Anyway, I hope you'll all stay tuned, because I'm going to make a concerted effort to find time in between advertising assignments and update this blog.  I feel like Jane Goodall out here, and Toronto is my scary, misty place full of gorillas.

And of course I'll be reporting in from the Street Hockey National Championships, which are taking place in Victoria's Inner Harbour, October 28-29.  We had a few of our Twitter followers come and cheer us on last year, and we'd love to see you again!

That's all for now... if you don't hear from me in the next month, assume that I fell into Lake Ontario and became a mutant.  Captain Morgan out!