Wednesday 1 February 2012

We have a winner(s)!

Thanks again to all who emailed us offers for sponsorship.  After careful consideration, we were torn between two arm patches, so we've decided to go with both of them.  Our new sponsor is...


I was a bit wary at first of having our anti-training philosophy sponsored by a fine and upstanding organization such as this, but the idea grew on me the more I thought about it. This logo will be proudly displayed on the same jerseys as our inverted McDonalds 'M', which is fairly ironic in itself.  And I love me some delicious ironing.  Then there's the awesome tagline: "Excellence in Diabetes." I think we can all agree that no matter what we do, excellence is the goal.  But at the heart it's just a great cause - providing no-cost treatment to diabetic patients across BC. As we used to say in the 90's: you GO,!


Our second sponsor is:


Ken Johnson!

"Haaaaave you met Ken?"

Ken Johnson is a nice young man who works for BC Ferries and has two adorable cats. He's an educated non-smoking Canucks fan, and he emailed us with a simple request: to help him find a lady friend. And Ken, you've come to the right place. We're going to put an "ASK US ABOUT KEN JOHNSON" patch on the same sleeve as, you know, to balance our all the serious illness stuff with a bit of classic Wellwoodian Weirdness. We won't rest until we find Ken his perfect match, then crash his wedding. Open bar please, Ken.


As promised, for helping us out in our quest for sponsorship, we are rewarding our left shoulders to the wonderful Bloggers slash Demi-Gods over at Pass It To Bulis. May they live forever and never stop being hilarious. For helping us to defeat Dylan and his infamous S.L.A.P. Coalition in their quest to have "Shut Up Morgan" be the only bid, we are forever indebted to PITB.

A similar thank you also goes out to our honourable mention: Sanjay "The Man-jay" over at @WeAllBleedRedd. He's one of our favourite Tweeps, was our third-place finisher and was similarly committed to thwarting S.L.A.P. should we fail to find corporate representation. 

I'll post pics of our jerseys as soon as they're printed!

EDIT: I have just received word that our Bachelor Extraordinaire, Ken Johnson, is diabetic. Talk about a perfect sponsor combo!